Implementation of the results of R&D work for the EU-funded project entitled ‘Innovative, advanced system for data acquisition, management and visualisation of digital content for the analysis of service quality in telecommunications networks’.
The implementation of the project will lead to a reduction in negative environmental effects through the following areas:
– use of solutions guaranteeing raw material savings, including water savings; – use of secondary raw materials in min. 30%; – application of solutions guaranteeing a reduction in the amount of pollutants discharged into the atmosphere; – application of solutions extending the product life cycle; – other actions reducing negative environmental effects, indicated by the Applicant, adjusted to the nature of the project; – reduction of electricity consumption.
The target group targeted will be:
– end users of fixed and mobile telecommunications services (corporate customers, individuals), – smaller and larger providers of telecommunications or Internet services.
The project is implemented in three tasks:
Task 1 – Purchase of fixed assets Task 2 – Purchase of intangible assets necessary to launch the fixed assets. Task 3 – Expenditure on information and promotion of the project.
Project implementation period
from 2023-06-01 to 2023-12-31 Total value: 1 383 750,00 PLN EU contribution 900 000,00 PLN Contract number RPMA.03.03.00-14-J017/23-00 Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund from the funds of the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship for 2014-2020 Project entitled “Implementation of the results of R&D work of the project co-financed by EU funds, consisting in the development of an integrated platform of an advanced system of data acquisition, management and visualisation of digital content, for the analysis of the quality of services in telecommunications networks.”