RFBENCHMARK Community & Lite

RFBENCHMARK Community & Lite

Simplify your network testing experience with RFBenchmark's Crowdsource Community Edition and Lite versions. These editions cater to users seeking straightforward solutions, offering quick and reliable internet connectivity checks with intuitive interfaces. Unleash the full potential of your mobile network with RFBenchmark apps, offering comprehensive tools for testing, benchmarking, and troubleshooting. Whether you're a casual user seeking basic network tests or a professional requiring precise measurements and indoor testing capabilities, our app lineup caters to your diverse needs. With seamless integration, remote backend control, and customizable interactive reports, RFBenchmark ensures unparalleled performance and usability for every user.

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RFBENCHMARK Community & Lite

Primary uses

  • BASIC NETWORK TESTING - Conduct quick and straightforward network tests to check connectivity status.
  • COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION - Contribute to improving network performance by sharing data and insights within the community.
  • ON-THE-GO CONNECTIVITY CHECKS - Access rapid internet connectivity checks anytime, anywhere, with minimal hassle.
Main Features

Speed Tests

measuring download and upload speeds to gauge network performance accurately

Signal Strength Analysis

signal strength in real-time to identify the best available network connection

Simplified Interface

intuitive and user-friendly interface for effortless network testing

Crowdsource Data

live insight on signal strength and quality from real-time tests conducted by network users

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Areas of Use