Infovista TEMS™ Pocket

TEMS™ Pocket

TEMS™ Pocket is a powerful, yet highly portable phone-based mobile network testing solution with support for 5G devices and scanners. It allows you to verify, optimize and troubleshoot your mobile network in environments requiring portability, such as malls, stadiums, offices, and areas with limited accessibility where drone-based testing is the best approach. Its advanced testing capabilities provide actionable insights to improve your subscribers’ mobile experience.

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Infovista TEMS™ Pocket

Primary uses

  • INDOOR NETWORK TROUBLESHOOTING AND OPTIMIZATION: Enhance your subscriber experience indoors and across campuses.
  • IN-BUILDING SITE VERIFICATION: Verify that your new indoor sites deliver the expected performance.
  • INDOOR MOBILE NETWORK BENCHMARKING: Benchmark your network performance indoors against your competitors.
  • DRONE-BASED MOBILE NETWORK TESTING: Safely and quickly test your network in even the hardest-to-reach areas.
Main Features

Indoor and campus coverage improvement

Critical indoor network testing with TEMS Pocket for optimal mobile data traffic management

Acceleration of indoor 5G roll-outs

Efficient 5G walk testing for faster indoor 5G deployment

Testing locations with drone

Drone-mounted TEMS Pocket for testing industrial complexes and emergency flight corridors

Indoor network performance benchmark

Multi-device solution in a backpack for competitor benchmarking in key indoor locations

Testing control

Device-forcing features and scripting for efficient and targeted testing

Install on consumer devices

Allowing field engineers to carry only one phone

Areas of Use